DÁNAE ATACHO (b. 1992 in Caracas) began studying cello performance at the Conservatory of Music "Prudencio Esaa". Then, she joined UNEARTE in 2010 and studied Music Composition, taking classes with Federico Ruiz, Luis Morales Bance, Cesar Maldonado, Kalmouk Helena Beatriz Bilbao, Edgar Edgardo Lanz, and Gerulewicz Gerardo Ricardo Teruel, continuing to develop her skills as both a performer and composer. She studied composition with Luca Belcastro under the margin of "Germina.Cciones…", whose compositional technique (based on the combination of music and mathematics) inspired the research he conducted during his undergraduate years.
Atacho has shared the stage with various composers and performers in the world of contemporary music in Venezuela, such as the Contemporary Music Ensemble by Beatriz Bilbao, the Venezuelan Society of Contemporary Music, The Creative Circle of Contemporary Music, and Notes-Actives among others. Through these meetings, she has premiered several of her works, including Miniatures of a Duck for solo bassoon, Krypton wagons for piano, and The arch for mixed ensemble among others. In June 2018, her piece Despegue de colores interferenciales (for two clarinets) was premiered in Paris, France as part of a concert tribute to the maestro Carlos Cruz-Diez.
Atacho is also a teacher at the School of Integrated Arts of Maestro Jorge Serrano, in the areas of initiation and musical language. She also serves as the chair of Violoncello Performance as well as the institute's Choral Director.
to be announced